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"ProductCode": "6926-1", "Bench": null, "Perf": 113.740000, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, 1617750000000.0, "Perf": 93.200000, 1613430000000.0, [ Investimento in obbligazioni/strumenti monetari di emittenti diversi da quelli italiani aventi merito di credito inferiore ad investment grade o privi di rating (e dunque esposti significativamente al rischio di credito) fino al 30% delle attivit\u0026#224;. { 1593385200000.0, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, 1600038000000.0, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 ], "Bench": null, 1608850800000.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "Bench": null, "Bench": null, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "Perf": 97.760000, { "BenchOfficial": 0.0 ], { "Perf": 114.620000, "Bench": null, ], { "Perf": 104.560000, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, { ], "ProductCode": "6926-1", 5.0 "BenchEstimed": 0.0, Sono definiti “Clienti professionali di diritto”: (1) i soggetti che sono tenuti ad essere autorizzati o regolamentati per operare nei mercati finanziari. }, "PointDate": "2020-05-21T00:00:00", 5.156 1562626800000.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 { "BenchOfficial": 0.0 4.904 ], "Perf": 103.800000, Register to get unlimited access to all of Citywire’s fund manager database. }, The sub-fund adopts an active management style. }, [ "Perf": 100.140000, 5.168 "Bench": null, "Bench": null, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PointDate": "2019-12-09T00:00:00", 1575241200000.0, You're only seeing a fraction of our data. "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "Bench": null, "PointDate": "2021-01-06T00:00:00", [ 1574895600000.0, "ProductCode": "6926-1", { 5.148 5.259 "Url": "https://www.caribz.it", L'accesso al sito e la relativa consultazione implicano la conoscenza e l’accettazione incondizionata delle stesse. "BenchOfficial": 0.0 ], }, { ], Scopri i fondi che hanno ricevuto un premio per l'eccellenza gestionale. [ "Bench": null, 1594076400000.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "PerfOfficial": 0.0, 1629327600000.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "PointDate": "2020-07-13T00:00:00", 1592780400000.0, 1633647600000.0, }, [ Pent-up demand for M&A deals has been unleashed to deliver the busiest first three quarters of a year for investment banks on Mergermarket record (since 2006). { [ "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "PointDate": "2020-11-27T00:00:00", "ProductCode": "6926-1", "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, }, 5.388 "ProductCode": "6926-1", ], "Bench": null, { "Abi": "06230", "BenchEstimed": 0.0, [ "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, 1558998000000.0, About Eurizon Fund - Equity Emerging Markets Smart Volatility. "ProductCode": "6926-1", "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "Bench": null, 1562108400000.0, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, [ { "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "Perf": 102.960000, ], "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "Perf": 99.880000, { ], 1613516400000.0, "PointDate": "2021-04-26T00:00:00", 1608591600000.0, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "PointDate": "2021-03-29T00:00:00", ], "PointDate": "2020-08-21T00:00:00", { "PerfOfficial": 0.0, ], "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, 1558393200000.0, ], { "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, 1589151600000.0, { "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "Bench": null, 5.548 1614812400000.0, ], "Perf": 101.620000, 5.117 "ProductCode": "6926-1", { "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "BenchOfficial": 0.0 [ { "Bench": null, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "Perf": 103.140000, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "ProductCode": "6926-1", ], ], "Perf": 106.940000, L'accesso ad ogni altro sito Internet collegato al sito avviene, quindi, sotto la responsabilità esclusiva dell'utente. 1589756400000.0, "Bench": null, }, 6.9040M. "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "ProductCode": "6926-1", }, }, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "BenchEstimed": 0.0, ], "Bench": null, "ProductCode": "6926-1", ], { { { [ "PointDate": "2020-03-09T00:00:00", JD Vargas joined EQT Partners as Managing Director in January 2021 in the Infrastructure Team. 1588806000000.0, [ "PerfOfficial": 0.0, ], }, "PointDate": "2020-08-31T00:00:00", "BenchOfficial": 0.0 { "ProductCode": "6926-1", "BenchOfficial": 0.0 }, 1553036400000.0, ], 1561330800000.0, 1617231600000.0, }, Every performance is the result of our values | Eurizon Capital SGR, the asset management company of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, ranks at the top of its industry in Italy. "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "Bench": null, "Bench": null, [ "Bench": null, If you already have an account please use the link below to "Perf": 103.640000, 9/30/2020 - "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, [ 5.721 Tale utilizzo, sebbene possa comportare una temporanea amplificazione dei guadagni o delle perdite rispetto ai mercati di riferimento, non \u0026#232; comunque finalizzato a produrre un incremento strutturale dell’esposizione del Fondo ai mercati di riferimento (effetto leva) e non comporta l’esposizione a rischi ulteriori che possano alterare il profilo di rischio - rendimento del Fondo.\u003cbr /\u003e","BlobId":467011,"TableId":null,"RowId":null,"Val1":null,"Val2":null,"Val3":null,"DtInsert":"\/Date(1634827635313)\/","DtUpdate":null,"InsertDate":1634830824743,"Rows":[]},{"ProductCode":"6926-1","Token":"SP_PROD_PrioritaVisualizzazione","TokenType":"STRING","TokenDescription":"Priorit\u0026#224; Visualizzazione Prodotto","Value":"0","BlobId":null,"TableId":null,"RowId":null,"Val1":null,"Val2":null,"Val3":null,"DtInsert":"\/Date(1634827635530)\/","DtUpdate":null,"InsertDate":1634830824743,"Rows":[]},{"ProductCode":"6926-1","Token":"SP_PROD_ProfiloRischio","TokenType":"STRING","TokenDescription":"Profilo di rischio rendimento","Value":"4","BlobId":null,"TableId":null,"RowId":null,"Val1":null,"Val2":null,"Val3":null,"DtInsert":"\/Date(1634827635750)\/","DtUpdate":null,"InsertDate":1634830824743,"Rows":[]},{"ProductCode":"6926-1","Token":"SP_PROD_ProfiloRischio_Note","TokenType":"STRING_MULTILINE","TokenDescription":"Profilo di rischio rendimento Note","Value":"I dati storici utilizzati per calcolare l\u0026#39;indicatore sintetico potrebbero non costituire un\u0026#39;indicazione affidabile circa il futuro profilo di rischio del Fondo. { }, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, 1587682800000.0, { [ "Perf": 111.140000, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "Perf": 95.740000, ], "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "Bench": null, "Perf": 109.380000, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, [ 1609282800000.0, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PerfOfficial": 0.0, Iscritta all'Albo delle Società di Gestione del Risparmio tenuto dalla Banca d'Italia ai sensi dell’articolo 35 del D. Lgs. 1565305200000.0, "FlagVis": "7", }, "ProductCode": "6926-1", { { "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "PointDate": "2019-08-05T00:00:00", [ ], "Bench": null, }, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 ], "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 }, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, [ "PointDate": "2019-09-16T00:00:00", 1625439600000.0, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, { [ [ }, "PointDate": "2020-06-10T00:00:00", ], "PointDate": "2021-03-24T00:00:00", [ "Perf": 109.100000, [ "BenchOfficial": 0.0 1629932400000.0, "ProductCode": "6926-1", 1626735600000.0, 1588633200000.0, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "PointDate": "2019-04-26T00:00:00", "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "Perf": 112.400000, 4.89 "PerfOfficial": 0.0, }, [ [ [ "BenchOfficial": 0.0 [ "PointDate": "2020-11-25T00:00:00", "Bench": null, "Bench": null, "Bench": null, 1590447600000.0, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, ], [ "Perf": 104.620000, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, [ [ }, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, ], "PerfOfficial": 0.0, 1565737200000.0, 5.153 "PerfOfficial": 0.0, Detailed Security Static Data. { "BenchOfficial": 0.0 E J. E Pairis. }, "PointDate": "2020-10-02T00:00:00", 5.741 ], "PerfOfficial": 0.0, }, { "CollocatorBank": "178", "Perf": 102.620000, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PointDate": "2019-06-07T00:00:00", }, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, ], "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, 5.229 "ProductCode": "6926-1", }, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, Fund Managers. "ProductCode": "6926-1", ], "Perf": 107.800000, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "Bench": null, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "Perf": 103.900000, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "Bench": null, 5.714 "PointDate": "2021-06-22T00:00:00", }, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "BenchEstimed": 0.0, }, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PointDate": "2019-03-15T00:00:00", ], eaton vance int (ir) f plc-eaton v int (ir) par em mkt fund . [ "ProductCode": "6926-1", "ProductCode": "6926-1", ], 1571871600000.0, 1553554800000.0, 5.391 "ProductCode": "6926-1", [ "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "BenchEstimed": 0.0, Di seguito il dettaglio dei cookie gestiti da terze parti: Scopo dei cookie: Preferenze di navigazione Statistiche di utilizzo del sito Ottimizzazione, Informativa estesa: http://www.google.com/policies/privacy, Gestione dei cookie dalle impostazioni del browser. 5.14 }, [ "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "Bench": null, [ ], "BenchOfficial": 0.0 ], "PointDate": "2019-11-18T00:00:00", ], 5.11 "PointDate": "2020-09-15T00:00:00", "ProductCode": "429", "Bench": null, 1554678000000.0, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, 1550703600000.0, 1561676400000.0, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "PointDate": "2021-01-25T00:00:00", { "ProductCode": "6926-1", { All’interno del Turbine (quello spostamento, circolare, rapido, e vorticoso del vento, che solleva e porta con sé testimonianze del suo passare, o un rapido fluire di idee, pensieri, stati d’animo, emozioni, versi. "Perf": 100.000000, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, 5.096 "ProductCode": "6926-1", "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "Perf": 103.940000, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, ], 5.615 "Perf": 114.760000, { "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 [ }, 4.963 "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "Perf": 112.920000, { "ProductCode": "6926-1", [ "Bench": null, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "Perf": 99.480000, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, 5.189 "Bench": null, }, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, ], ], }, "Bench": null, ], "ProductCode": "6926-1", ], "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, [ "PointDate": "2021-04-05T00:00:00", 5.512 "Bench": null, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "Bench": null, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, ], "BenchOfficial": 0.0 1579474800000.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 [ The sub-fund will mainly invest directly or indirectly in equity and equityrelated securities traded on regulated markets of the USA. [ [ { 1574982000000.0, { "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "Perf": 102.600000, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, [ essere i seguenti: Per ulteriori informazioni sulla metodologia per la valutazione, misurazione e monitoraggio si rimanda al documento "informativa sulla "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, 1629154800000.0, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "Bench": null, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, ], 1629068400000.0, ], "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, { ], "BenchEstimed": 0.0, [ "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "PerfOfficial": 0.0, { "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PointDate": "2020-08-11T00:00:00", "BenchEstimed": 0.0, }, [ 4.978 5.533 "PerfOfficial": 0.0, }, 5.0 "PointDate": "2020-12-28T00:00:00", "Perf": 102.960000, "FlagVis": "7", }, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "BenchEstimed": 0.0, { "PointDate": "2020-12-29T00:00:00", { { "Perf": 98.880000, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PointDate": "2021-09-29T00:00:00", "ProductCode": "6926-1", "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PointDate": "2021-05-05T00:00:00", "BenchOfficial": 0.0 [ }, "Perf": 104.700000, }, Si tratta di informazioni che non sono raccolte per essere associate a interessati identificati, ma che per loro stessa natura potrebbero, attraverso elaborazioni ed associazioni con dati detenuti da terzi, permettere di identificare gli utenti. "BenchEstimed": 0.0, 1623106800000.0, "Perf": 109.740000, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "Perf": 113.040000, 5.234 }, "Bench": null, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, 5.178 1580252400000.0, "Bench": null, { "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "Perf": 103.400000, 5.206 "Abi": "05336", [ "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 1579734000000.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "Perf": 100.080000, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "ProductCode": "6926-1", ], ], { BNP Paribas Funds Energy Transition [C] 5.667 [ }, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, [ "BenchEstimed": 0.0, }, [ }, "PointDate": "2019-10-22T00:00:00", ], "Perf": 104.120000, ], }, 1616367600000.0, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, [ 5.006 "PointDate": "2020-10-30T00:00:00", }, "Perf": 102.980000, "Perf": 112.480000, [ "PerfOfficial": 0.0, eaton vance collective investment tfe ben plans em mq equ fd . "Perf": 108.000000, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "Perf": 95.880000, [ "Bench": null, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, }, "ProductCode": "6926-1", { "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "ProductCode": "6926-1", { Eurizon | 24,439 followers on LinkedIn. "PointDate": "2019-07-04T00:00:00", "Bench": null, 1627513200000.0, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 5.245 "ProductCode": "6926-1", 5.657 ], "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "BenchOfficial": 0.0 1632351600000.0, "PointDate": "2021-01-12T00:00:00", "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, }, "PointDate": "2020-12-22T00:00:00", "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "Perf": 112.720000, { "Bench": null, }, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "Bench": null, { "Perf": 97.200000, "Bench": null, "Bench": null, 1604271600000.0, "Bench": null, 1601420400000.0, "Perf": 114.060000, ], 4.999 "Perf": 103.120000, ], 1589410800000.0, "Bench": null, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 }, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, ], { ], "PointDate": "2019-10-01T00:00:00", "Perf": 112.240000, "Perf": 103.560000, [ "Perf": 103.400000, "Perf": 102.980000, { "BenchOfficial": 0.0 1613948400000.0, "PointDate": "2021-05-11T00:00:00", 5.379 "Description": "Credito Valtellinese S.p.A." "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, 1563231600000.0, ], "Perf": 99.880000, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "BenchOfficial": 0.0 [ [ "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PointDate": "2019-11-19T00:00:00", "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "ProductCode": "6926-1", [ "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "Payload": null "PerfOfficial": 0.0, ], 5.238 5.701 1567033200000.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "PerfOfficial": 0.0, 4.994 31 del D.lgs. ], "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "Perf": 102.940000, "PointDate": "2020-04-13T00:00:00", "Perf": 113.120000, 1568329200000.0, { 1599087600000.0, "Perf": 101.520000, "PointDate": "2021-02-04T00:00:00", ], "BenchEstimed": 0.0, 1599519600000.0, }, { [ "BenchOfficial": 0.0 [ "ProductCode": "6926-1", { "PointDate": "2021-01-22T00:00:00", "Bench": null, ], "ProductCode": "6926-1", { 1626044400000.0, ], "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "Perf": 103.060000, "Perf": 108.240000, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, [ 1633042800000.0, View limitations & usage restriction. { "BenchEstimed": 0.0, 1597100400000.0, ]. 5.084 "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "Bench": null, "ProductCode": "6926-1", ], }, 5.697 "ProductCode": "6926-1", "Perf": 99.660000, [ ], "Perf": 102.420000, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 5.17 }, 4.89 Rated Fund Managers. "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, 5.189 5.166 { "BenchOfficial": 0.0 Di seguito i link diretti alle pagine di supporto presenti sui siti dei diversi browser per ricevere ulteriori informazioni su come modificare tali impostazioni: I dati personali sono trattati con strumenti automatizzati per il tempo strettamente necessario a conseguire gli scopi per cui sono stati raccolti. "Perf": 107.900000, 1625698800000.0, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, ], ], "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "PointDate": "2020-07-08T00:00:00", "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "PerfOfficial": 0.0, ], "ProductCode": "6926-1", Last . }, 1566169200000.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "BenchOfficial": 0.0 }, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, }, "Bench": null, 1563145200000.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 ], [ "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PointDate": "2021-09-14T00:00:00", "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, ], }, "Perf": 103.960000, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, }, "ProductCode": "6926-1", 1633561200000.0, { "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, }, The QFII qualification will also allow access to the A-Share market, where many Chinese small-cap stocks are traded, especially on the Shenzhen market. "PointDate": "2020-09-16T00:00:00", "Bench": null, "PointDate": "2019-10-04T00:00:00", "BenchEstimed": 0.0, The strategy is the second to be launched this year, building the firm's sustainable product range. "Bench": null, "Bench": null, 5.197 "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PerfOfficial": 0.0, { [ "Bench": null, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "Bench": null, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PointDate": "2019-06-17T00:00:00", "ProductCode": "6926-1", "Bench": null, 1634857200000.0, [ 1568761200000.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 }, "Bench": null, { "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "Bench": null, "Bench": null, "Bench": null, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, 5.169 "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "Perf": 111.820000, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, 1617922800000.0, "ProductCode": "6926-1", BNP Paribas Funds Asia Ex-Japan Equity [C] 1,50. . "PointDate": "2020-06-24T00:00:00", 1610492400000.0, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 Nel 2008 si trasferisce a Dublino in Pioneer Investments come Quantitative Equity Portfolio Manager. "PointDate": "2020-10-26T00:00:00", "Bench": null, I dati di rendimento del Fondo non includono i costi di sottoscrizione a carico dell’investitore. [ }, "Perf": 93.560000, "Bench": null, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "BenchEstimed": 0.0, { 1608678000000.0, 5.564 [ { Chiudendo questo banner o cliccando su un qualunque elemento della pagina web si accetta l’utilizzo di tali cookie. "PointDate": "2021-02-02T00:00:00", "Perf": 100.000000, "PointDate": "2019-09-19T00:00:00", 5.697 "Bench": null, "PointDate": "2020-03-03T00:00:00", 1555455600000.0, ], { "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "Bench": null, ], { "ProductCode": "6926-1", 5.027 "BenchOfficial": 0.0 Specifiche misure di sicurezza sono osservate per prevenire la perdita dei dati, usi illeciti o non corretti ed accessi non autorizzati. "BenchEstimed": 0.0, 5.0 { "ProductCode": "6926-1", }, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "PointDate": "2019-06-06T00:00:00", ], "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PerfOfficial": 0.0, }, [ "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, FundsPeople, è una rivista specializzata di asset management a distribuzione diretta rivolta ai professionisti del settore del risparmio ge. "PointDate": "2021-06-28T00:00:00", 1593644400000.0, 5.239 výstupné poplatky. 5.683 [ "BenchEstimed": 0.0, Eurizon Fund Equity People: 2,04. "ProductCode": "6926-1", 1587337200000.0, 1585177200000.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "Perf": 99.880000, }, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PointDate": "2021-06-08T00:00:00", [ "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "PointDate": "2019-09-09T00:00:00", "Bench": null, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PerfOfficial": 0.0, { "Bench": null, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, "PointDate": "2021-10-07T00:00:00", "Abi": "05387", "Perf": 115.000000, { "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, People who searched for Senior Contracts Manager jobs in Luxembourg also searched for director of contracts, contract analyst, vendor manager, contracts and procurement manager, contract manager, contract negotiator, contracting officer, contract specialist, contracts administrator, manager contract management. ], 1570489200000.0, [ "BenchOfficial": 0.0 5.753 1600988400000.0, "Bench": null, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "Bench": null, [ "Perf": 99.720000, }, "BenchEstimed": 0.0, 1566514800000.0, 1634598000000.0, ], "ProductCode": "6926-1", 1575846000000.0, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "PointDate": "2019-08-20T00:00:00", }, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 ], "Bench": null, 5.624 "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "Perf": 114.820000, { "Bench": null, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, 4.982 "Perf": 99.920000, "ProductCode": "6926-1", "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "Perf": 102.920000, }, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 }, 4.993 "Bench": null, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "BenchEstimed": 0.0, 5.141 "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 1594249200000.0, 1550790000000.0, }, "ProductCode": "6926-1", 5.688 }, "PerfOfficial": 0.0, 1605567600000.0, "PerfEsteemed": 0.0, "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "BenchOfficial": 0.0 "PointDate": "2019-05-15T00:00:00", 1572994800000.0, 5.665
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